来历:中国日报网迈入三十岁后,许多人会发现,自己现已听不进新歌了,总觉得仍是老歌更好听。是现在的歌变难听了,仍是自己变老了?研讨发现,大多数人三十岁今后就不再听新歌是由于那一段能够无限接纳音乐的“海绵期”现已过去了。It’s a simple fact of life that older people reminisce about the glory days. You might believe you’ll stay young and free-spirited forever, but one day you’ll find yourself grumbling about not understanding the latest slang words and asking a young person what a meme is.年岁大的人爱怀旧是人之常情。你或许认为自己会永久年青,永久自在豪放,但总有一天你会发现自己现已不明白年青人说的梗了。For some it might be happening earlier than they thought. That’s according to a new survey from Deezer, which suggests people stop discovering new music at just 30 and a half.对一些人来说,这个进程或许开端得比幻想的更早一些。音乐流媒体服务网站Deezer的新查询称,人们在30.5岁之后就不再听新歌了。The music streaming service surveyed 1,000 Brits about their music preferences and listening habits. 60% of people reported being in a musical rut, only listening to the same songs over and over, while just over a quarter (25%) said they wouldn’t be likely to try new music from outside their preferred genres.该网站对1000名英国人的音乐喜欢和听歌习气进行了查询,发现60%的人喜欢重复听同几首歌,而超越25%的人称,他们不会去试听自己喜欢的音乐类型以外的新歌。The peak age for discovering new music, the results suggested, was 24. This is when 75% of respondents said they listened to 10 or more new tracks a week, and 64% said they sought out five new artists per month. After this, though, it seems people’s ability to keep up with music trends peters off.查询结果显现,查找新歌的顶峰年纪是24岁。这个年纪的查询目标中,有75%的人每周会听10首以上的新歌,而有64%的人称他们每个月会查找5位新的歌手。自此今后,人们跟从音乐新潮流的才能就开端下降了。Some of the reasons the survey revealed were people being overwhelmed by the amount of choice available (19%), having a demanding job (16%), and caring for young children (11%). Nearly half of respondents said they wished they had more time to dedicate to discovering new music, so at least for that 47% it wasn’t due to a lack of interest.至于其间的原因,查询显现,有19%的人是由于歌曲太多,犯了挑选困难症,16%的人是由于作业太忙,也有11%的人是由于需求照料孩子。大约有47%的查询目标称,他们期望自己能有更多时刻听新歌,所以对这一部分人来说,他们至少仍是有爱好的。In 2015, the Skynet &Ebert blog looked at data from US Spotify users and Echo Nest. On average, teen music taste was dominated by popular music, then this steadily dropped until people’s tastes “matured” in their early 30s. By age 33, it was more likely they’d never listen to new music again.2015年,Skynet &Ebert博客对美国声破天和回音网的用户数据进行了剖析。剖析发现,青少年的音乐口味受流行音乐影响最大,在这之后,流行音乐的影响将稳步下降。到了30岁出面时,他们的音乐品尝会趋于“老练”。到了33岁,人们根本就不再听新歌了。Rather than having less time, some research suggests we listen to the same songs over and over again because of musical nostalgia. For example, one major study, published in the journal Memory &Cognition, found that music had a very powerful effect on the mind to evoke memories, conjuring up old echos of the past at school or university.一些研讨显现,30岁今后不再听新歌并不是由于没有时刻,人们不断地听同几首歌是由于怀旧。一项宣布在《回忆与认知》期刊上的大型研讨报告发现,老歌能够有力地唤醒人们对学校或大学韶光的回忆。Earlier this year, economist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz analysed Spotify data in the New York Times. Essentially, he found that if you were in your early teens when a song was first released, it will be the most popular among your age group a decade later. Radiohead’s “Creep,” for example, is the 164th most popular song among 38-year-old men, but it doesn’t even reach the top 300 for those born 10 years earlier or later. It’s because men who are 38 now were in that musical sweet spot when the song was released in 1993.本年早些时分,经济学家赛斯·斯蒂芬斯-大卫德威茨在《纽约时报》上宣布了一篇研讨声破天平台数据的文章。他发现,假如某一首歌开始发行的时分,你刚好处于青少年前期,10年之后,这首歌将成为你的同龄人中最受欢迎的一首。举例来说,英国摇滚乐队Radiohead的歌曲《Creep》在38岁男性最喜欢的歌曲中排名第164位,可是关于早10年或晚10年出世的人来说,这首歌乃至无法挤进前300名。这是由于现年38岁的男性在这首歌1993年发行的时分正好处于音乐接纳的黄金期。As for why this happens, research has shown how our favourite songs stimulate our pleasure responses in the brain, releasing dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and other happy chemicals. The more we like a song, the more of these chemicals flow through our body.研讨提醒了其间的原因:喜欢的歌曲会让咱们的大脑发生愉悦的反响,开释出多巴胺、血清素和催产素等“美好”物质。咱们越喜欢一首歌,就意味着这首歌让大脑发生的“美好”物质越多。This happens for everyone, but during our adolescent years our brains are going through a lot of changes. We’re also incredibly hormonal and sensitive, so if we hear a song we really love, it’s more likely to stay with us forever.每个人都会有这种反响,但在青少年时期,咱们的大脑会阅历许多改变。除此以外,青少年会排泄很多荷尔蒙,并且极端灵敏。因而,咱们假如在这时分喜欢上一首歌,那么它很有或许会随同咱们终身。That isn’t to say you won’t hear a new song you love in later life – it just might not elicit the same strong response because you aren’t such a sponge anymore.这并不是说你今后就不或许喜欢上其他歌曲了,仅仅那些歌曲所引起的反响不如老歌激烈,由于你不再是一块能够无限吸收的“海绵”了。Another reason we listen to the same songs over and over could be because of something called the “anticipation phase.” If you get goosebumps when you hear your favourite songs, it could be because of the hormonal responses, but it could also be because you know the good part is coming up.咱们喜欢重复听一些歌曲的另一个原因是心思预期的效果。当你听到喜欢的歌曲时会心潮澎湃,这或许是由于荷尔蒙反响,但也或许是由于你知道高潮将在什么时分降临。For example, just before the song peaks, or there’s a dramatic chord change, our brain perceives it as a reward and releases dopamine. However, over time we start to lose the same feeling of euphoria because we musically gorge ourselves.比方,在歌曲行将进入高潮或许和弦呈现戏剧性改变时,咱们的大脑会将其视为奖赏并开释多巴胺。不过,久而久之,歌曲高潮带来的愉悦感就会越弱,由于咱们现已麻痹了。If you haven’t heard a song for several years, the euphoria may return, particularly if you first heard it when your brain was soaking everything up between the ages of 12 and 22.假如你听到了一首好几年没听的歌,而这首歌刚好是你12到22岁“海绵期”阶段第一次听过的,大脑或许会再次阅历最初这首歌曲带给你的欢愉。So if you have a penchant for music from your youth, it’s probably wired deep into your psyche. You can indulge in the old songs without shame because it will make your brain happy – it deserves it.所以,假如你爱听年青时听过的歌,这些歌很或许现已根植于你的心灵了。爱听老歌不是罪,只需你的大脑高兴,那就值得了。英文来历:商业内情网翻译&修改:丹妮
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