
  "本相就像诗,惋惜世上大多数的人厌烦诗"—— 《大空头》"真理如诗。并且大多数人他妈的厌烦诗篇。"-大空头   













   ▼撤除前的内部空间,internal space before demolition Wutopia Lab



   ▼撤除后的主殿空间,the main hall after demolition Wutopia Lab


   The entire project can only be implemented under the permission of the Shanghai Historic Building Protection Affairs Center. No existing faade, structural system, basic floor plan and distinctive interior decoration of the building could be changed. The faade and layout, new and characteristic decorations on wall and dome cannot be changed as well. It is required to remove the unnecessary walls and floors, such as the steel structure interlayer built in the 1990s. The building space should be cleaned up to reveal its original image and keep the height of the main hall. Shorten the build-on part at east se, aligning to the original part.Tracing the original materials, such as pillars, floral decorations, walls, and flooring. After decades of wearing down, only concrete layer were left in the main hall. A small part of aged stone floor was discovered in the se hall, while others were terrazzo added in the 1970s. After repeated grinding and cleaning of the floor tiles, the oil pollution was still faint and it was regarded as the memory of the factory and persisted.

   ▼主殿的巨大空间得以康复,the height of the main hall has been kept in the building CreatAR Images



   Church in church

   我信任诗篇书店应该是上海这个城市的崇高空间,它要有独立的精力性而不应该假于原址的宗教性。已然教堂原址的墙面天顶不能够触碰,那我就用书架在旧修建Church中发明一个独立结构系统的新修建Church作为书店。这便是Church in church。一个现代人的精力庇护所诞生在曾经是某些人的崇奉庇护所之内。与砖石砌筑的教堂原址不同,我用银光闪闪的钢板打造了这个新书店。书架的隔板和立档都是全焊接钢板网格结构系统的一部分。它们互相效果构成一个钢铁书架构建的室内修建——诗篇书店。书架没有背板,穹顶的光线仍然能够洒入书店。书架还模模糊糊显露教堂原址从1920到2019不同时代的痕迹包含那组21世纪初作为餐厅时,老板请美院学生制作的天主教风格岩画。这样钢铁书店和砖石教堂就成为一个新的全体。

   ▼旧教堂修建内的新独立结构系统,a new structure as a Church in the old building Church CreatAR Images



   I believe that the poetry bookstore should be the sacred space of the city of Shanghai. It should have an independent spirituality and should not be based on the religion of the old site. Given the fact that the dome could not be transformed, I used bookshelf to create a new structure as a Church in the old building Church. This is Church in church, a sanctuary for modern people was born in where once a sanctuary of faith. I chose to use plated steel plates other than the stone in old site. The partition and stand of the bookshelf are welded as a steel plate gr system. They interact with each other to form an inner space—a poetry bookstore. The bookshelf has no back panel, and the light from the dome can still spill into the bookstore. Different traces from 1920 to 2019 on the wall are faintly revealed through the bookshelf, including the Catholic-style frescoes that the owner asked the students of the Academy to draw when the group was used as a restaurant in the early 2000s. The steel bookstore and masonry church became a new integrate.

   ▼用银光闪闪的钢板打造的新书店,a bookstore built with glowing, plated steel plates CreatAR Images


   ▼穹顶的光线仍然能够洒入书店,the light from the dome can still spill into the bookstore CreatAR Images


   ▼穹顶细部,detailed view of the dome CreatAR Images


   ▼书架模糊显露教堂的天主教风格岩画,the Catholic-style frescoes are faintly revealed through the bookshelf CreatAR Images



   ▼剖面图,section Wutopia Lab


   With light strips on wall, readers could figure out the original outline of the church and tell which part is newly add-on. East and west part of the church was transformed into a café. Contracting to the silver metal bookstore, I used chocolate color to make the café a mild and cozy atmosphere.

   ▼咖啡馆空间,the café area CreatAR Images



   ▼温文慵懒的背景色, a mild and cozy atmosphere CreatAR Images




   The bookstore is an interior project that does not involve the preservation and renovation of the facade. We tested on the wall by the se of café, which is an inner wall but basically an outer wall , to see if there are layers of paints covering on the wall. After peeling off layers of paints, the texture and vicissitudes of 1932 were finally revealed.

   ▼咖啡馆与书店的联系,the relation ship between the cafe and the bookstore CreatAR Images


   ▼窗外一瞥,a glance to the bookstore CreatAR Images



   I chose blue film to replace the faded color window. An infinitely transparent blue is rendered when sunlight spilling into the se hall, dissolving the physical sense of the se hall and highlighting the brightness of the main hall.

   ▼蓝色贴膜烘托出挨近无限通明的蓝色,an infinitely transparent blue is rendered by the blue film stick on the window CreatAR Images


   ▼空间细部,detailed view CreatAR Images


   ▼窗户细部,window detailed view CreatAR Images



   The steel bookstore was built by 30 workers in 80 days. Workers must first cut 5mm steel plates into 128 standpipes, 640 large steel plates and 2921 small steel plates for 23 layers of crossbars according to the drawings. After pre-assembled correctly outdoor, the pieces were moved inse and welded together. Finally, this bookstore of 388 square meters and a height of 9.9 meters was methodically formed left a 50 cm gap from the old wall.

   ▼由一系列钢板构成的书架,the book shelves made of steel plates CreatAR Images



   ▼书架细部,detailed view CreatAR Images



   ▼书店空间俯视,an overlook to the bookstore CreatAR Images


   In the silver bookstore, a balcony was transformed into a golden pulpit. Here you can see how the steel bookstore and the old masonry church are interwoven without touched. The poet should recite aloud in this noble place. “when people come to the world, if they can not make others better, they will make them worse.”-Eliot

   ▼钢铁书店和砖石教堂构成互不触碰却你中有我的联系,the steel bookstore and the old masonry church are interwoven without touched CreatAR Images


   ▼新旧结构细部,the details of the old and new structure CreatAR Images



   ▼仰视穹顶,looking up to the dome CreatAR Images



   On the day of completion, I walked up the spiral staircase shrouded in blue light. I stood in front of the pulpit and whispered my own sentence, “I love poetry, and I use it to create the world.” The Sinan Books poetry store I designed is a gift “For the infinite few” (Jiménez). It is the soul of Shanghai.

   ▼蓝光笼罩的螺旋楼梯, the spiral staircase shrouded in blue light CreatAR Images


   “自有人类便有诗”—雪莱“Poetry is connate with the origin of man.” – Shelley

   ▼思南书局诗篇店,Sinan books poetry store CreatAR Images


   ▼轴测图,axon Wutopia Lab




   ▼平面图,plan Wutopia Lab


   ▼撤除平面图,plan of demolition Wutopia Lab


发布于 2023-10-13 14:10:05